Financial Highlights Investment Position BCM engaged an investment consultant and several money managers to implement the investment policy adopted by the Board. Over time, the Board has approved changes to the asset allocation strategy. The charts below show the composition (by asset class) of the BCM portfolio at inception and as of September 30, 2017. Financial Results For more information about BCM’s financial results, audited financial statements and tax returns can be accessed through our website at Large Cap Stocks $60.0/39% Small Cap Stocks $15.0/10% International Stocks $7.5/5% Bonds $60.0/39% Cash & Cash Equivalents $10.7/7% Total Portfolio $153.2/100% Large Cap Stocks $99.3/35% Small/Mid Cap Stocks $32.3/11% International Stocks $39.4/14% Bonds $55.9/20% Alternative Investments $52.5/18% Cash & Cash Equivalents $6.2/2% Total Portfolio $285.6/100% Inception June 1996 (Dollars in Millions) September 30, 2017 (Dollars in Millions) 18